Tips to Create a Charcuterie Board

Want to create a charcuterie board that’s as memorable as it is delicious? Don’t want to spend hours arranging and fussing with ingredients ? Here’s a few tips to help your charcuterie board go from average to extraordinary!

Experiment with New Ingredients

charcuterie board

I’m a big fan of surprising and delighting guests. One of the ways I do this is to introduce them (and me) to a food they’ve never tried. It can be as simple as an intriguing new chutney, a unique brand of crackers or even pickled veggies. Want to try something bolder? Swap out one of your tried and true cheeses or meats for something new, you never know – you just might find a new fave! (Sidenote: that’s how I discovered I love Wensleydale cheese with pineapple)

Create a Theme for your Charcuterie Board

Instead of the expected “regular” charcuterie , create a theme for your board! Inspiration is everywhere: the international aisles of your local grocery story, Pinterest, your local cheese monger or butcher and see what ideas you can come up with. Here’s a few to get you started:

pumpkin spice board
  • French Connection – French cheeses, baguettes, pate, Dijon mustard,
  • Seasonal board – like this pumpkin spice Fall board
  • Oktoberfest – German meats, pretzels, mustard, beer nuts
  • Around the World – cheese from England, olives from Greece, salami from Italy, Brazilian nuts – you get the idea
  • Local Love – design a board using ingredients from your local area (you may just discover a new fave!)
  • Flavour focus – pick a flavour to focus on and select ingredients that highlight it (i.e.. tropical, chocolate, coffee,

Create Visual Interest

salmon breakfast charcuterie board

Want to keep your charcuterie board from looking flat and uninspired? (and like you just plunked all the ingredients on a board?) Create visual interest by using various heights, shapes and textures . Different levels makes the food looks more appetizing and your guests will want to dive right in! Here’s a few ways I like to create create visual interest on my board:

  • Adding small bowls filled with olives or pickles
  • Using a glass or small mason jar to hold taller breadsticks.
  • Placing a big piece of cheese with smaller ones
  • Stacking crackers in a pile instead of laying them flat
  • using different shaped crackers
  • Adding greens (like parsley, dill, rosemary) to add texture

Accessorize for impact

Technically, this tip isn’t about the food BUT – just like with fashion; accessories can make all the difference! These little touches can be used to compliment your theme, enhance the tone and even inject some humor and whimsy.

This is not just about the board or platter you use, but also the napkins, bowls, plates, utensils, food labels and tags. Going for a rustic laid back look? Then use natural elements like wood and stone. A glam cocktail hour? Use shiny, metallic and sparkly accessories. Of all the accessories, perhaps cocktail napkins are the least expensive element and can go a long way to compliment your theme and even inject humor.

There you have it – just a few easy tips to “level up” your next charcuterie board and help make entertaining easier!

Joyful Hostess Tip: Create your very own slate charcuterie board (as seen in the top photo) for less than $5 with THIS DIY project!