Waltzing into the Unknown

Recently I had to make an important decision and (like I usually do for anything important) it started with a scribble of a pro and con list. When I finished writing and read it back…I wrote “status quo” in the pro column. In..the..pro..column. WTF?

Did I really think by keeping things the same I would reach my goals, live my dreams and find more joy?

Obviously, I was tricking myself…convincing myself to keeping things safe, easy and comfortable.

But we all know that growth and brilliant, life-changing breakthroughs don’t come from a comfortable “status quo” position….no ma’am!

All this good juicy stuff comes from waltzing into the unknown believing that what’s to come will be better than what has been.

And I believe.

So, take my hand and let’s waltz into the the unknown together.. ….Ready….1, 2, 3…..1, 2, 3…